The importance of Vehicle-to-Grid and Vehicle-to-Building for the energy efficiency sector

July 6, 2022

“The electric vehicle as an engine for access to demand flexibility markets” was the main topic of the conference organized by ANESE on the 15th of June 15 in GENERA, with the support of V2Market, the project that values energy efficiency and demand flexibility using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Vehicle-to-Building (V2B) technologies.

In addition to this conference, the project was also present at the ANESE exhibitor stand in GENERA, as another action of dissemination, presenting and explaining to visitors what V2Market is.

Madrid, June 15th, 2022.

The welcome to all the participants and attendees at the conference was given by Carlos Ballesteros, General Director of ANESE, who explained the role of ANESE in the V2Market project, focusing above all on the definition of the interactions between the new figure of the aggregator and its interlocutors, both on the side of the sale and the purchase of flexibility services.

 The presentation and explanation of the V2Market project was given by Hugo Madureira, Technical Manager of ANESE, detailing that it is an innovative service that incorporates electric vehicle batteries into the electricity grid as storage capacity and flexibility, using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Vehicle-to-Building (V2B) combined with Energy Efficiency and price forecasting IT tools.

He commented that “V2Market combines all the relevant actors of the value chain to define the role and contractual mechanisms of a new role, the demand aggregator, and its possible interactions with the other stakeholders: the owners of Electric Vehicles, and the interested parties in flexibility (DSO, TSO, BRP)”. Hugo Madureira also explained that this project has the participation of other partners at a European level, such as ECOSERVEIS, AMB – Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​NUVVE, OMIE, ENERSAVE CAPITAL, HOLALUZ, SMARTEN – Smart Energy Europe and IDAE.

From the flexibility of V2G to the importance of electric vehicle recharging infrastructures

Arturo Pérez de Lucía, General Director of AEDIVE (Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Vehicles) was the moderator of the round table composed by the following experts:  Álvaro Vázquez Suárez, CEO & Country Manager of ABB E-Mobility; Alejandro Valdovinos, Institutional Relations of CIRCUTOR; Alba Fernández, Regulatory Affairs & PPAs at HOLALUZ; and Pedro Basagoiti Satrústegui, Director of Technology, Innovation and New Developments at OMIE.

Several ideas were exchanged around the need to regulate bidirectional charging, for example, including this solution in the technical code. It was also discussed that the electrical system must be flexible when it comes to generating and consuming energy and that this flexibility can be provided by V2G. Also, in this context it was mentioned that from a market point of view, V2G has become important in storage. In addition, the plurality of functions of the electric car became evident.

On the other hand, the importance of electric vehicle recharging infrastructures was discussed, especially for the deployment of electric vehicles, taking into account that there are nearly 15,000 recharging points in Spain. The need to standardize the V2G charging infrastructure to enable interoperability was also stressed. Likewise, as a predominant idea during the debate, it was highlighted the fact that the electric vehicle is already a synonymous of energy efficiency, but that there is still a long way to go.

More information:

Carla Da Silva

Communication Manager

ANESE  / 669 541 868